Dark, Darkroom
You will need to prepare a dark space where you can unload and develop the 4x5 film. Find a small room (it is best that this room has a wide, flat sink or have a long tub available to limit spilling onto surfaces) and line the door with black tape and a curtain to block the light. If there is a window, cut out cardboard or dense black foam core and tape it to the window. Check the light level of your darkroom before proceeding, if you see light coming in block it with tape and cardboard.
Setting up Chemistry
You will need three (3) 12x15 inch trays at minimum. Each tray will need approximately 2000ml of chemistry.
Before turning the lights off, arrange the trays (in any prefered order, try to keep it linear) from left to right as follows: Developer tray, Stop tray, and Fixer tray. Have your dark box with your film in a dry place nearby, so when you turn out the lights you can unload the film easily and place it in the developer bath.