
I was recently a part of the FotoFocus at the Clifton Cultural Arts Center in Cincinnati, Ohio. For this show I produced a collection of twelve X-Ray prints that are 11x14 in size. The first six were produced during my time at Wright State University, using a large format camera and film enlargement onto the X-ray film. The next group of six were completed in the summer of 2012 and were produced using a variety of Pinhole cameras, then contact printed to the X-ray film.

In this section, work from two Alternative Processes has been compiled. The left most image is a print using the Gum Dichromate process. This process allows the photographer to use color layers to create a final, colored image without the use of a printer or toxic color development process that was commonly used before easy access to color printers. The next process is displayed on the right and is known as Cyanotype. This process is very simple and produces an image in blue tones. Both of these processes uses ultraviolet light, or sun light to expose the image.

This series is the of the earliest produced work while I was at Wright State University. This work was completed in Fall 2010, and used a large format camera (4 x 5in). All the prints were printed and then toned using old coffee grounds.
