X-ray Film

X-ray film is not intended to be used as a photographic medium and as such, you cannot expect perfect results when using it. All the notes and steps presented in this section are based off of experience with Fuji X-ray film and results may not be the same. There is a large variety of X-ray film types but the brand used was a two(2)-sided emulsion film, slow-speed (ISO of 100), and 11x14 inches in size. All chemicals amounts are based off of the necessary amount to develop a full sheet of X-ray film. Before beginning, research all possible sources, and know how much chemistry will be used and whether it is economical for your situation.

The photographic chemicals used in the lab should not cause any problems if they are handled carefully. If you experience any sensitivity to the chemicals take extra precautions to reduce exposure. If you are pregnant, or become pregnant while you plan to work with photographic chemistry, stop and seek a professional opinion for your safety. You will be dealing a large amount of chemicals for this process, please be very careful and wear heavy duty vinyl gloves.