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At the Sink

The chemistry that was measured out earlier is already in the sink, arranged in order of left to right (you can arrange it however you like, but remember which is which). Use your thermometer to test the current temp of the chemistry and proceed to develop the film. You should wear latex gloves (Warning: tank may leak chemistry during agitation).

  1. Fill the tank with water and agitate for one (1) minute and pour down the drain.
  2. Fill the tank with developer and agitate for every 30secs for the suggested amount of time for the film type and temperature. (See Temperature chart) dump the chemistry down the drain.
  3. Pour in the stop and agitate for one (1) minute and dump down the drain.
  4. Fill the tank with fix, agitate every 30secs for seven (7) minutes then SAVE. (Fix is one of the few chemicals that can be reused for another developing session, make sure to store in a sealed container that only contains fix).
  5. Place the tank under a running facet for ten (10) minutes to thoroughly wash the film.
  6. Wipe down the film, carefully, with photo-flo.
  7. Hang the film to dry in a tall cabinet or box. It is suggested that you use a clip on both ends so the film dries straight.