light on

Dark, Darkroom

You will need to prepare a dark space where you can load the film onto the reel and close the development tank. Find a small room and line the door with black tape and a curtain to block the light. If there is a window, cut out cardboard or dense black foam core and tape it to the window. Check the light level of your darkroom before proceeding, if you see light coming in block it with tape and cardboard.

Setting up Chemistry

You will need three (3) graduated cylinders, at minimum of premixed chemistry of developer, stop, and fix. During this part, it is suggested to wear gloves for safety.


Before turning the lights off, take apart the development tank and make sure all parts are clean, dry, and accounted for. Arrange your supplies and your film canister so you can easily reach them in the dark and put the tank back together. Make sure you have a bottle opener, scissors before turning out the light.