Graphic Arts

I worked with the Champaign Aviation Museum, a local non-profit organization, for my Capstone course at Sinclair Community College. During this course, I found a client to work with, conversed on what graphic design work they wanted to receive and wrote up a contract and an invoice for the client, which specified the work I was to complete for them at no charge. The work I completed for the Champaign Aviation Museum included two aviation patches (one of the designs is displayed on the left) and a brochure that highlights their current restoration project of the World War II B-17 Champaign Lady. I presented the completed work on a board, and supplied them with a cd that had all necessary file formats for reproduction of the work, as per the agreement.

The ID Manual is a comprehensive branding strategy I produced during my time spent at Sinclair Community College. I created and branded a fictional company, called 28 Days Sooner, from scratch. I produced not only the overall look of the ID Manual but also all the pictograms, signage, logo variations, clothing branding, and ephemeral objects for this environment. In the midst of this project, I was able to collaborate with an interior design student for the look and feel of the environment of the 28 Days Sooner, facility.

After my graduation from Wright State University, I completed a HTML 5 and a CSS 3 course. These courses gave me the opportunity to update my knowledge of the new web standards and implement them into a Web Project, known as the “Darkroom” for the CSS 3 course. This purpose of this project was to supply important information to fellow photography students and recent graduates who are working in their own darkroom in their home and need a resource that has documentation for the preparation and execution of a variety of processes. The five processes that are covered are as follows: Tank Development, Tray Development, X-ray Film Development, Cyanotype and Gum Dichromate.
